Who We Are

St. Leonard’s Society of Canada (SLSC) is a national, membership-based charitable organization that brings together a network of individuals and independent community-based agencies to collectively advance our purpose. Together, we proactively address the needs of people involved in the criminal justice system to achieve safer, healthier, and more inclusive communities. 

For over fifty-five years, we have amplified the voices in our network, and researched effective and humane ways to improve individual and collective well-being. SLSC remains dedicated to sharing what we learn so that we – and others – can contribute to meaningful changes that enhance every person’s ability to live safely in their community.  

SLSC is not a religious organization.

Our Purpose

is to promote humane and informed criminal and social justice policy, practice, and responsible leadership to foster safer communities. We achieve this by:

  • supporting our members;
  • conducting research and developing policy;
  • advocating for and applying evidence-based approaches; and,
  • advancing collaborative relationships and communication.

Our Vision

is to be an organization that participates in transformative change within and beyond the criminal justice system to cultivate safe, healthy, equitable, and inclusive communities.  

Our Values

SLSC’s operations and conduct are guided by the following values:

Accountability: ensuring transparency and evaluation

Social responsibility: acting ethically and effectively to promote community well-being

Integrity: acting with consistency, honesty, fairness, and respect

Commitment: being resolved to achieve positive social and systemic change inspired and informed by our organization’s history, and sustained through determination and collaboration

Human Worth: promoting the inherent worth and potential of all individuals

How We Operate

The chart below shows how SLSC is structured as registered charitable organization. 

Membership: Inform the Executive Director and/or Board of Directors on priority areas and matters related to governance/operations. Affiliates hold three votes, Associates and Individual Members hold one vote each, to govern SLSC.

Board of Directors: Comprised of representatives from affiliate members (Delegates) and community members with vested interest and knowledge in SLSC activities (At-large Directors). Provides oversight and governance. Each Director holds one vote to govern SLSC.

Board Sub-Committees: Comprised of Board members who work with the SLSC Team to provide focused support and guidance related to operations and mission-driven activities.

SLSC Team: Comprised of the Executive Director, the office staff, volunteers, and placement students. The Executive Director reports directly to the Board of Directors, and the rest of the SLSC Team reports to the Executive Director.

Our Funding

SLSC thanks the many individuals and organizations who provide the financial support for us to carry out our work. SLSC gratefully acknowledges the contributions from those who provide our primary funding: 

  • Public Safety Canada provides operational funding through its Grant Program for National Voluntary Organizations, as well as opportunities for funded research projects; and,
  • Affiliate Agencies provide funds to allow SLSC to support its network and carry out priority activities. 

Additionally, SLSC deeply appreciates the support of individual members, donors, and agencies supporting projects such as Employment and Social Development Canada and the Prepr Foundation. SLSC is also delighted to have been a funding recipient of The Northpine Foundation and applauds its focus on supporting communities that encounter economic and social limitations, including formerly incarcerated persons.  We wouldn’t be able to fulfill our mission without this support!

Our funding sources are generally broken out as follows:

To learn about how you can support SLSC’s mission, visit our Donate page

Shiny stars and golden Christmas baubles with ribbons and snowflake around SLSC mug.


This holiday season, share what inspires your commitment to community. To participate in this fundraiser, make a donation through CanadaHelps, and then submit your meaningful image and/or message. Your submission will be featured in our Tribute Gallery, and can be shared with family and friends.